Contact Altitude Andermatt

Our friendly office team can be reached by email, telephone or through the following form and are always happy to help.

If you would like to discuss your lesson in more detail we are also happy to arrange a meeting in person with one of our in resort directors at a convenient time for you.

  • 08.30 – 19.00

    Our Lessons

    In Zermatt it is possible ski year round, but there are also other possibilities.

    Where to Ski this weekend?

    In Zermatt it is possible ski year round, but there are also other possibilities.

    Putting children into ski school is generally beneficial to both children and parents.

    Choosing a ski school

    Putting children into ski school is generally beneficial to both children and parents.

    First day of the holiday straight to the top and no warm up because who bothered?

    Squeeze your ski days

    First day of the holiday straight to the top and no warm up because who bothered?